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Monthly Informational On Health & Fitness

The Experts


1.  Celia Dubey Page 1

2.  Dror Vadkin Page 1

3.  Dr Rhee Page 2

4.  Chris Arrigo, MS,PT,ATC Page 2



The Experts 


Coach Dror Vadkin

Former USF coach 1991-2001

Current UT coach 2001-present

Progressive Training Team coach 1994-present


Should I wear carbon shoes ?

Well, if you watch any race now a day you see these massive shoes (cheater shoes) carbon shoes…. If you haven’t tried them on, then you should!  But remember it will distort your appreciation for any of your other shoes.  Once you put them on, you immediately feel them pushing you forward.  They do help you and they are very light, but the price is big.  But with every company adding their own, there are so many choices.  Nike the original ones are probably still the best carbon, but the lacing system stinks.  Most of them won’t last long so while you want to use them on every run, be careful not wear them out too quickly.  Remember the elite runners get theirs for free, and they are usually much more economically when running.  But even if you watch the elite runners, many of them still pronate, so be careful!!!  Risk or Reward, the choice is yours!


Does the hyper Volt gun really work ?

There are many gadgets out there to help with recovery after exercise.  One of the biggest one in the market with many versions is the Hyper Volt Gun.  It has many different attachments for the top to work on different parts of your body.  But I always wonder when people say I have a knot in my muscle.  I am not really sure we actually get knots in muscles, but maybe our muscles fatigue or get tight.  And using the gun on the IT band or quads might feel good but is it really doing anything.  It keeps pounding on your muscle or skin, but to get an area to recover blood has to get to the area and stay there to help repair.  So by just pounding on and off, it doesn’t see to help blood reach the area and stay there to help the spot recover.  But it does feel good when doing it!!!


The one muscle most people don’t stretch enough

When you look at your body the quad is your biggest muscle (hint 4 muscles).  It’s tough to stretch and most people only spend a few seconds on it.  Remember as runners we are forward motion athletes, so everything is driven by our quads.  As your run more, your quads become tighter, and then pull on your hamstrings.  This leads us to worry and try to stretch our hamstring more and not the main issue.  Take about 30 sec. per a stretch and spend time stretching your quads right!!!


Runners coming back from injuries

Number one problem when we return from injury, we quickly want to get back to where we left off, and we tend to do too much too fast.  STOP!!!  Take a minute to look what type of injury you had?  Something small such as a pulled muscle or a slight strain, or something bigger like a tear, or a stress fracture.  Once you are good and cleared to exercise, start EASY!!!  Maybe look to go in the pool if you can, this will get your body simulating the running motion without the impact.  Start at 10-20 min. max and build up slowly adding a min. or two here and there the first 2 weeks.  Without noticing you have tricked your body to do 30-40 min. and you didn’t force it.  If you don’t have access to a pool, and now have to go back and just hit the pavement.  Make sure you have good shoes, make sure you are doing your preventive exercises, so you don’t get reinjured.  Now again maybe start with walking back and add a couple of min. of running every 5 min. for the first 3-4 times out.  This will leave you wanting to do more versus forcing yourself to do more.  So again if day one you are using just your neighborhood, then the next day go two more street over.  And each day add another street versus time or just looking at your GPS for the speed and distance.  And more important reset your goals and don’t get caught up in your pace right now.




Coach Celia Dubey                         

813 690 8989



USAT Triathlon Coach since 2007

Certified Personal Trainer AFTA since 2005

CPR & First Aid Certified since 2000

MADD Spinning Certified since 2000

BS in Marketing from The Florida State University 1994

Leukemia Society Certified Running Coach by Jack Daniels since 2001

Owner of Total Fitness Health Club & Spa since 2006-2022

Diamond Fitness Triathlon Club Head Coach for Triathletes of all ages from 6 and up.

Personal Triathlon Coach for 11 USAT All Americans & 2 ITU World Champions

Rotarian Volunteer Race Director of The Tarpon Springs Triathlon raising $25K annually to award college scholarships

Race Announcer for many events such as The Halfathon Series &  Tampa Bay Triathlon Series since 2003

Personal Trainer for prime time ABC show, “The Extreme Make Over, Weight Loss” 2010-2011

Fitness Expert appearing monthly on The ABC Morning show Great Day Live


Titles & Accomplishments

2020, 2021, 2018 & 2017, 2016, 2015 USAT Duathlon National Champion

2019, 2018, 2017 USAT Triathlon National Champion

2016 USAT Triathlon 3rd place at National Championship

2016 USAT Duathlon 2nd place finish at National Championship & 2nd place Masters

2016 USAT All American for Triathlon & Duathlon. 

2016 USAT Multipsort Spirirt Award

2015 ITU Duathlon World Champion, Adelaide Australia Bronze Medalist & 6th overall female

2015 USAT Duathlon Masters National Champion, 40-44 winner, AND 2nd OVERALL Female

2014 USAT Duathlon Masters National Champion, 40-44  winner, AND 2nd OVERALL Female

2013 ITU Duathlon World Champion, Ottawa Canada & 2nd overall female of all age groups :0)

2013 & 2014 USAT Duathlete Of The Year Honorable Mention

2013 USAT Duathlon National Masters Champion  & 2nd overall female of all age groups, Tucson Az

2013 USAT Duathlon 40-44 National Champion Tucson Az

2011 ITU Duathlon World Championship Silver Medalist, Gijon Spain

USAT Duathlon National Champion  2007

USAT Regional Club Champions 2012  & 2013

USAT All American Duathlete every year 2003 through 2016

USAT All American Triathlete  every year 2004 through 2016

Team USA Duathlon 2003 through 2016

Team USA Triathlon 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016


Q. I have never attempted to do a triathlon & want to do one. So what’s the best way to get started? 

The safest & best way is to hire a USA Triathlon certified coach and or do a beginners’ clinic with the certified coach so you can learn all the rules and how to train SAFELY as a beginner. You can find a list of certified coaches in your area on www.usa and click on “find a coach”. If you don’t have the budget for a coach then check out The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team In Training. They provide coaching in exchange for fundraising in the fight against cancer. It’s a great program & certainly a worthy cause. 


Q. What equipment do I need for a Triathlon?

Whether you are a beginner and need a list of equipment you will need to buy or you are an experienced racer this list will help you as a “triathlon shopping” list or a “night before race packing” list. 

Equipment Check list

Watch *optional

Water Proof Sun Block (Blue Lizard is good) *optional

Race Chip *Provided by race organizer

Air Pump, Allan Wrench *optional



Cap (you’ll get this at packet pick up) 


Bright colored Towel to see your spot

Bike shoes or regular sneakers 

Socks *optional





Sneakers (with quick ties are a must) 

Race Belt with race number or pinned to suit

Hat *optional



Q. Can you provide me with a quick synopsis of the rules   of Triathlon? The entire rule book is quite overwhelming.

Highlighted Triathlon Rules

Transition Rules…… 

  1. Only racers allowed in transition
  2. Must keep only equipment you use during race in your assigned rack spot according to your race number.
  3. No bags can be left in transition
  4. Front wheel down on numbered sign on rack
  5. No riding your bike in transition
  6. Your back wheel must cross the mount line and then you may mount your bike
  7. Must dismount from your bike before your front wheel crosses the dismount line


Swim Rules

  1. Must start with your assigned wave
  2. Must wear provided swim cap
  3. Can swim any stroke as lomg as you are on swim course
  4. You can even run in water as long as you are within course
  5. When water temperature is BELOW 78 degrees one can wear a wet suit.

Bike Rules…… 

  1. Ride on the right side of your lane.
  2. Keep three bike lengths between your front wheel and the rear wheel of the cyclist in front of you.
  3. Pass on the left of the cyclist in front, never on the right.
  4. Complete your pass within 15 seconds.
  5. If passed, you must drop completely out of the zone, to the rear, before attempting to re-pass.

Remember you are racing in a USA Triathlon sanctioned event and there are trained referees on the course to ensure fairness in the competition.  There will be NO WARNINGS if you commit a foul during competition.  Triathlon is an individual event and you must take personal responsibility to understand the rules and avoid penalties.  At the end of the race all citations by the officials are reviewed by the Head Referee who then decides if a penalty should be assessed.  The Head Referee’s ruling is final in the case of Position Violations and there are no protests or appeals of Position penalties.  Officials commonly cite the following violations:

  1. Illegal Position or Blocking – riding on the left side of the lane without passing.
  2. Illegal Pass – passing on the right.
  3. Overtaken  - failing to drop back three bike lengths after being passed and before re-passing.
  4. Drafting – following a leading cyclist closer than three bike lengths and failing to pass within 15 seconds.

Though Position Violations carry a time penalty for each occurrence, if you are cited for three violations, you will be disqualified.

Always have your chinstrap securely fastened when bike is in your hands!  The helmet and chinstrap rule apply before, during, and after the event.  The chinstrap rule is the easiest to follow, but some folks always seem to forget – that’s a DQ!

Remember to treat other athletes, volunteers, and officials with courtesy and consideration.  Failure to do so is called Unsportsmanlike Conduct and you will be disqualified.


Q. How much water should I be drinking in an effort to show up to my training sessions and races well hydrated?

As a general rule for MOST athletes, daily we should drink the number of ounces of water equal to our body weight spread throughout the day. This means if you weigh 150 pounds it should be your goal to drink 150 ounces of water daily. Specifically you should drink 10 ounces every hour for the 15 hours that you are awake each day...