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Florida RacePlace July / Aug 2024
59 Page PDF of Florida RacePlace Magazine.
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July-Auh 2025.pdf
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Race Director

We are Florida’s top online Eblast & Online Magazine promotional services for the central Florida market. Check our very competitive pricing for the rest of 2024 months. For more information contact          Joe Fernandez at email or  call 813-417-0324. 


What is Florida RacePlace Magazine 


Oldest, largest and only true endurance Sport Magazine

In the Tampa Bay area


What can  Florida RacePlace Magazine  and

FRPM Eblast  services can do for your race.


Florida RacePlace is a magazine produced as a service to the athlete and the needs of the athletic community. We are concerned with providing our readers with the Information and services they want and need. Unlike many other sporting magazines that have come and gone, Florida RacePlace has become THE running, biking and triathlon bible for endurance athletes in Florida for over 41 years.


  •         Clearance House for Information on Running, Biking            and Triathlons
  •        Listing, Image & hyperlink in FRPM Online Magazine             (21,000 Bi-Monthly)
  •        FRPM Bi-Weekly Super Eblast
  •        Custom Eblast to over 21,000 athletes.
  •        Listing with image and hyperlink in FRPM Quick Bi-               Monthly Super Eblast Services
  •        Linking to FRPM Social Media Sites.

            Thanks Joe Fernandez / Editor
            813-417-0324 /